18 Aralık 2007 Salı

ISP Siteleri

USA Datanet - High Speed Internet Service ProvidersWelcome! Don't forget you can do all your account maintenance in MyDatanet! Pay your bill, change your rate plan, add a phone number—it's that easy! ...
www.mydatanet.com/ - 24k

Internet service provider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn internet service provider (abbr. ISP, also called Internet access provider or ... A Virtual ISP (vISP) re-sells to the general public Internet access ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_service_provider - 29k

Internet service provider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn internet service provider (abbr. ISP, also called Internet access ... The history of Internet Service Providers is integral to the development of the ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Service_Provider - 30k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Instituto de Seguros de PortugalInstituição oficial de controlo e supervisão da actividade seguradora e resseguradora, dos fundos...
www.isp.pt/ - 24k

Verificar seguro através da matrículaPara verificar em que seguradora é que um veículo está seguro, em determinada data, digite a respectiva matrícula e data nas caixas abaixo:. Matrícula: ...
www.isp.pt/NR/exeres/ 09089E16-115D-4C82-9C64-FDA43D5FF098.htm - 23k

ISP.com Internet ServiceISP.com - $8.95 regular dial-up access, $12.95 high speed dial-up access.
www.isps.com/ - 12k

Instituto de Salud Pública de Chileservicio de informacion sobre salud publica en chile.
www.ispch.cl/ - 2k - 10 Temmuz 2006

ISP - Instytut Spraw PublicznychDo pobrania: Polacy o Francji - komunikat prasowy ISP więcej >>> ... W ten sposób Instytut Spraw Publicznych chce jeszcze mocniej włączyć się w debatę ...
www.isp.org.pl/ - 33k

PRZEBUDOWA PODSTAWY PROGRAMOWEJ KSZTALCENIA OGÓLNEGOPodstawa programowa i warunki kształcenia”, Warszawa 2004, ISP. Książka zawiera szczegółową analizę struktury i funkcjonowania obowiązującej podstawy ...
www.isp.org.pl/podstawa/ - 11k

ISPとは 【インターネットサービスプロバイダ】 (Internet Services ...【ISP】 インターネット接続業者。電話回線やISDN回線、データ通信専用回線などを 通じて、顧客である企業や家庭のコンピュータをインターネットに接続するのが主な業務 ...
e-words.jp/w/ISP.html -

ISP ReviewFeatures a monthly editor's top 10 list of ISPs, a readership top 50, ISP listings that include a...
www.ispreview.co.uk/ - 34k

ISP Review - UK Internet Service Provider Info. SourceUK Internet Service Provider Reviews, Daily ISP Related News, Articles and much more including interactive forums + MORE!!
www.ispreview.co.uk/broadband.shtml - 22k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Proveedor de servicios de Internet - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libreUn buen ejemplo de los beneficios de la existencia de gran cantidad de ISP es Chile, donde en 2005 las conexiones de alta velocidad (ADSL, Cable, ...
es.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISP - 21k

InternetNews.com - ASP NewsDaily news for Service Providers covering a broad range from hosting to service level agreements (SLAs), managed service providers, managed hosting, ...
www.internetnews.com/xSP/ - 69k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Institute of Sales PromotionDedicated to identifying and promoting best practices in sales promotion industry.
www.isp.org.uk/ - 5k

Welcome to internet.com's xSP Resources ChannelISP Planet The intelligence center for the ISP community. ISP Lists The world's largest list of ISP discussion lists. ...
www.internet.com/sections/xsp.html - 48k - 10 Temmuz 2006

ISP-PlanetISP-Planet has business and marketing advice for ISPs, plus specialized isp information resources. It reports on ISP-related services and technology, ...
www.isp-planet.com/ - 59k - 10 Temmuz 2006

ISP-Planet - ISP-Fixed Wirelessbusiness and management information for the isp community.
www.isp-planet.com/fixed_wireless/ - 69k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Internet Provider Directory - Find Internet Access Provider with ...TheISPGuide.com is a free directory of ISP Provider where you can find Internet Provider, VoIP Provider, Virtual ISP Provider. Read reviews of Internet ...
www.theispguide.com/ - 88k

ISP Seçiminde Dikkat Edilecekler Turgut Kalfaoglu Bircok kisi, "En ...Yanlis: Bir ISP`nin internet baglantisi ne kadar hizliysa, ... Dogrusu: Butun ISP lerin ayni miktarda "dialup" modemi ve kiralik hatti olsa idi, ...
find.egenet.com.tr/ispsecimi.html - 6k

ISP - a definition from Whatis.com - see also: ISPs, Internet ...An ISP (Internet service provider) is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet and other related services such as Web ...
searchwebservices.techtarget.com/ sDefinition/0,,sid26_gci214028,00.html - 57k

ISP - HEMISP. Svensk myndighet för kontroll av vapenexport.
www.isp.se/ - 8k

PSI - IÖD - ISKA - ISPPublic Services International is a trade union federation of over 500 unions public sector unions...
www.world-psi.org/ - 69k

Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid - Louis PasteurBelgisch wetenschappelijk instituut met informatie over de diverse afdelingen en volksgezondheid.
www.iph.fgov.be/ - 10k

Institut scientifique de Santé Publique, BelgiqueListe des Rapports et Publications scientifiques disponibles de l'ISP, ... Description des voies d'accès à l'ISP en voiture ou par les transports en commun. ...
www.iph.fgov.be/Index.asp?Lang=FR - 14k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Islip MacArthur AirportLong Island regional airport, links to airlines, cars and hotels.
www.macarthurairport.com/ - 29k

ISP Finder, Since 1996, The Easiest Way to find an Internet ...ISP Finder provides an easy way to find a local internet service provider. Includes thousands of ISP listings. Since 1996!
ispfinder.com/ - 5k

Temporarily Unavailable The ISP List is temporarily unavailable ...Temporarily Unavailable The ISP List is temporarily unavailable due to a fault with our web hosting provider. Please try again later.
www.cynosure.com.au/isp/ - 1k

ISP - Independent Service ProvidersIndependent Service Providers, Australia's Favourite ISP, offers reliable secure and private narrow and broadband internet solutions across a robust global ...
www.isp.net.au/ - 26k

ISP Directory - helping Consumers with ISPs since 1998ISP Directory of Dialup Access Providers in the United States.
www.findanisp.com/ - 17k - 10 Temmuz 2006

CIPS logo Canadian Information Processing Society Annual Report ...You are now being redirected to the ISP Designation Web site. If this page does not automatically refresh in 5 seconds, please click here. ...
www.cips.ca/standards/ispcert/ - 13k - 10 Temmuz 2006

MicroWeb ISP pageMicroWeb Technology ISP page. Free speech court decision A decision is near in the fight to ... o Images for web pages; o Pointers to other isp help pages ...
www.mtiweb.com/isp/ - 22k

Iran Sports PressIncludes daily news, events and history of the Iran Premier League, Iran National Football Team, videos of Iranian football teams in Iran Premier League and ...
www.iransportspress.com/ - 68k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Russ Haynal's ISP PageMaps of Internet backbones, sorted by market share.
navigators.com/isp.html - 13k

Active 24 - Det beste innen shared webhosting, dedikert server ...Active 24 er en ledende, nettverksuavhengig leverandør av internetthostingtjenester i Europa. Mer enn 250 000 kunder bekrefter at Active 24 leverer ...
www.active24.no/ - 21k

International Sports PropertiesISP Sports - creating, marketing and managing revenue enhancement programs around sports properties.
ispsports.com/ - 24k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Institute of Store PlannersMembership includes 1200 people active in store design and planning, visual merchandisers, students...
www.ispo.org/ - 19k

ISPとは - はてなISP - インターネットサービスプロバイダ(Internet Service Provider)の略.
d.hatena.ne.jp/keyword/ISP - 21k

Illinois State PoliceAgency overview, recruitment information and contact data.
www.isp.state.il.us/ - 40k - 10 Temmuz 2006

NetZero- Free Dial Up Internet Service - High Speed ISP - Net Zero ...NetZero Internet Service Provider. Half the standard prices of AOL, MSN, Earthlink. NetZero is available in more than 6000 cities across the United States ...
www.netzero.com/?refcd=GOO0403NXP_internet_access_free - 42k

Indiana State PoliceServing Indiana since 1933, the State Police performs a wide variety of duties. Those duties include working with communities to improve public safety, ...
www.in.gov/isp/ - 10k

HostingCatalog.comDialup Access (376) ISP.COM - Only $8.95, AceDialup.com $12.50, Copper.Net ISP 3m/$1 · Wholesale Dialup (18) GlobalPOPs, Dialup USA, NetZero High Speed ...
www.hostingcatalog.com/ - 49k

Groupe ISP - Institut Supérieur de Préparation aux grandes EcolesPrépa ISP (Prépa. Avocat): Préparation intensive (concours blancs et cours). Préparer les écrits, les libertés publiques, oraux techniques et langue pour ...
www.prepa-isp.fr/ - 6k

The Independent Science PanelThe Independent Science Panel (ISP) is a panel of scientists from many ... Some members of the Independent Science Panel at the launch conference, ...
www.indsp.org/ - 22k

Freedomlist ISP directory - free and cheap internet service providersfreedomlist is an impartial free and cheap internet service provider directory, is the easiest way to cheap isp from around the world comparison reviews.
www.freedomlist.com/ - 14k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Virgin.net ISP - Broadband Internet access, news and entertainmentVirgin.net, the UK's innovative Internet service provider. All you need for broadband and dial-up access, entertainment, information and news.
www.virgin.net/ - 28k - 10 Temmuz 2006

[PDF] The Interface Segregation PrincipleDosya Biçimi: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTML olarak görüntüle
tion Principle (ISP). This principle deals with the disadvantages of ... The ISP acknowledges that there are objects that require non-cohesive interfaces; ...
www.objectmentor.com/resources/articles/isp.pdf -

www.anime.net/linuxisp/ - 1k

Slashdot | Google Explains ISP RumoursGoogle Explains ISP Rumours -- article related to Google.
rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot?m=6344 - 45k

Slashdot | Next Step in ISP Control Panels?Next Step in ISP Control Panels? -- article related to Developers and The Internet.
rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot?m=6391 - 82k
[ rss.slashdot.org alanından daha fazla sonuç ]

Institut für SexualpädagogikDie Einrichtung des Vereins zur Förderung von Sexualpädagogik eV stellt sich, ihre Aufgaben und...
www.isp-dortmund.de/ - 14k

Canadian ISP - Find an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in CanadaThe first and only website to allow consumers a one stop shop to find or rate any internet service provider and their services in Canada.
www.canadianisp.com/ - 8k

International Software ProductsCross platform software localization for Macintosh and Windows into the major European languages.
www.isp.nl/ - 15k - 10 Temmuz 2006

DSL, Broadband, T1 ISP: High-speed and dial-up internet service ...Internet service provider reviews and ratings, video reviews, user opinions, most popular isp services, broadband, dsl & T1 guides, prices, and comparisons.
reviews.cnet.com/Internet_access/2001-6536_7-0.html - 50k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Dimitrios P. BourasX-ISP is a visual, X11/XForms based, user-friendly interface to pppd/chat, ... It is also a small ISP and phone company (PTT) database manager, ...
users.hol.gr/~dbouras/ - 15k

University of Pittsburgh - Intelligent Systems ProgramInterdisciplinary education and research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science.
www.isp.pitt.edu/ - 2k

Broadband Choice - All broadband ISPsBroadband Choice - Australia's most comprehensive ISP directory · Whirlpool News · Broadband Choice ... Independent Service Providers (ISP) ...
bc.whirlpool.net.au/bc-isplist.cfm - 84k - 10 Temmuz 2006

ADSLguide: Internet Service ProvidersIf your ISP is not listed, please ask them to contact us via our additions ... You should not dismiss an ISP simply because they are not shown below as this ...
www.adslguide.org.uk/isps/summarylist.asp - 90k

Atmel CorporationAVR In-System Programmer is used for field upgrades of existing products using the Atmel AVR ArchitectureAVR In-System Programmer based on the STK500 ...
www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=2726 - 31k

ISP Services BVISP Services richt zich op dienstverlening aan internet professionals zoals service providers, ... ISP Services biedt hosting voor FreezZ.nl fotomarketing ...
www.isp-services.nl/ - 9k

Wired News: Google Denies ISP Rumors"There's any number of interesting possibilities, but I don't think they'll be getting into the ISP business – certainly not in the traditional sense of the ...
www.wired.com/news/technology/internet/0,71293-0.html - 27k

Netscape ISP HomepageTicker Symbols: Go. • Stock Symbol Lookup. ©2006 Netscape. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Help | Contact Us | isp.netscape.com.
isp.netscape.com/ - 37k - 10 Temmuz 2006

Lappy 486www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail152.html - 2k

ISPdooPodjetje za projektiranje, svetovanje in inzeniring strojnih instalacij, studije pozarne varnosti. Plinske instalacije, ogrevanje, prezracevanje, ...
www.isp.si/ - 30k

Sanook.com - Webindexผู้ให้บริการอินเทอร์เน็ต ISP ซีเอส อินเทอร์เน็ต และ ล็อกซอินโฟ ... ผู้ให้บริการอินเทอร์เน็ต (ISP) ให้บริการชั่วโมงอินเทอร์เน็ต เช่าพื้นที่เว็บไซต์ ...
_provider/ - 31k

Low Cost ISP Providers - Cheap Internet Service, DSL, Dial Up ...Find low cost ISP providers at GetISP.info. Compare cheap Internet service providers including DSL, dial up ISP and cable internet services.
www.getisp.info/ - 5k

X-ISPX-ISP is a visual, X11/XForms based, user-friendly interface to pppd/chat (ie an X11 dial-up networking...
xisp.hellug.gr/ - 7k

ISP/C pageISP/C page. There's really nothing here; just a placeholder to mark the ispc.org domain. Some of the ISP/C DNS activity has been taken over by DNSist (at ...
www.ispc.org/ - 1k

ISP. Netspace Australia isp providerChoosing the right ISP makes a big difference. At Netspace, we've made Internet ... Choose us as your ISP and you’ll get FREE online gaming with Gamespace. ...
_choose.php - 18k

InternodeDialup, ISDN, Extreme™ ADSL2+ 24Mbit Broadband, Voice over IP, Webhosting, Co-Location, Email to SMS and other Internet Services.
www.internode.on.net/ - 16k

An Atlas of Cyberspaces- ISP Backbone MapsAn atlas of maps and graphic representations of the geographies of the new electronic territories of the Internet, WWW and other emerging Cyberspaces.
www.cybergeography.org/atlas/isp_maps.html - 14k

consumer.org.nz: Home > ISP Price GuideISP Price Guide. Back to ISP Search · Choosing an ISP · High-speed options. ISP Price Guide. Use our interactive price guide to work out which dial-up ...
www.consumer.org.nz/ispsearch. asp?category=ISP%20Price%20Guide - 15k

Optigold ISP Billing SoftwareOptigold ISP - The leading Internet Service Provider business software/billing package for Windows and Macintosh.
www.digitalpoint.com/products/isp/ - 12k

Internet Access - Electronics - Wal-MartFind Internet Access and accessories at Wal-Mart. Shop for Electronics and take advantage of our Every Day Low Prices.
www.walmart.com/walmartconnect/isp/ - 44k - 10 Temmuz 2006

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